
Acheck Balance of Axis Balance Forex Card

j. money business card

As many of you probably (should) do, I log in to all my accounts each morning to make sure all my pennies are playing nice with each other in their respectable homes :) Most of the times they are, but every now and then a few like to sneak out and I'm left organizing a quick man hunt in pursuit of collecting back my troublesome children!

Luckily today's story isn't about that, though. In fact, it's the opposite.

7 months ago we re-designed the way we were handling our money and condensed a ton of accounts to better streamline things, and one of those accounts we stopped using was my personal credit card. With a hot limit of $30,000 – increased from $5,000 years ago in order to pump up my credit score for doing nothing ;) Because of that reason (and for emergencies) I never shut down the card 100%, but I did hide it from my view so it wasn't cluttering my "accounts" section in USAA – a handy setting they have which is reason #3,004 I love them so much!

Anywho, since I stopped using the card after so many months, I also stopped receiving credit card statements for it as well. Which is even better – less e-statements clogging my inbox too! That was, until I started getting them again and had the Dickens confused out of me…

At first I didn't open them 'cuz I just assumed they'd be at $0.00 balances since I hadn't touched the card in over half a year (I now open and answer *everything* of course, as evidence of our debt collector issue from last week!), but after the 2nd one I decided to just "waste my time" and check it out anyways just to see what the deal was. And boy was I glad I did!

It turns out you can  have cash GIVEN TO YOU on your cards just the same as it taken away! Haha… or more commonly put, it's a holding place for cash rewards as well :) Not just debts. So to my surprise I not only had a balance on my no-longer-used credit card now, but it was a *negative* one! USAA has a credit line opened up with ME now! Haha…

Yup. My J$ credit line card now has a modest balance of -$38.94. Woohoo! Free money! I don't know what I'll be doing with it quite as yet, but as you know it falls under my "Money For Me" rule which stipulates I'm allowed to spend it however damn well I please. 'Cuz it's unexpected bonus money and allows me a break from all that hardcore money mongering I do day in and day out ;)

So it's a good day to be me! I just got through 4 days of being incredibly sick – as well as passing it all along to my family (boooooo) – but small surprises like this helps you forget about the madness and peps you right back up again…

Maybe you guys have a few positive surprises to share with us too? Or even some bad ones you wish to vent or get advice on? We got yo back!

PS: The only credit cards we have/use is this one: USAA Cash Rewards® World MasterCard®. It may not be the best-best out there, but it treats us well and allows me to continue having all my accounts under one roof. For better or for worse ;)

[Photo by .reid]

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Acheck Balance of Axis Balance Forex Card


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