
How To Root Maize Farming Draw Of Piece Of Employment Organisation

Maize farming, likewise known equally corn farming, is 1 of the most feasible agricultural concern ideas inwards Africa, including Nigeria. It is consumed inwards diverse forms as well as feeds over 500 meg Africans yearly.
According to a inquiry carried out past times the IITA, over 800 meg tonnes of maize is produced yearly, with Africa only accounting for nigh 6.5% of this figure. This is extremely depression considering the fact that America produced nigh 32% of the world’s full maize crops grown inwards 2010 alone, followed past times China.

Of the per centum produced inwards Africa, Nigeria is the largest producer with nigh 8 meg tonnes of maize produced yearly inwards the country, followed past times South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, as well as Uganda.
The pocket-size per centum Africa has inwards the worldwide production of the maize crop shows there’s even thus an abundant chance for maize tillage on the continent.
Maize is likewise known equally corn, as well as is said to live outset domesticated past times Mexicans over 10,000 years ago, as well as has since spread across the whole basis inwards diverse forms similar flintstone corn, flour corn, dent corn, popular corn, as well as pod corn.
The utilisation of Maize crops spans through cooking starch, the production of dairy products similar milk as well as yogurt, eggs, meats, as well as inwards the manufacturing of brute feed (livestock feed). It’s a neat source of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin B, iron, as well as minerals, as well as digests both easily as well as fast.
In several countries around the world, maize is used largely for simply the production of brute feed, but inwards Nigeria as well as many other countries inwards Africa, maize is consumed on a broad margin equally a cereal crop as well as for several other purposes, making it 1 of the iii most consumed cereal crops inwards the world, correct later rice as well as wheat.
What Is Maize Farming About?
Maize farming is the commercial growing of maize products for human consumption as well as other purposes similar the production of brute feed, flour, fodder, as well as several other purposes.
Facts And Benefits Of Maize Farming
1. It is used inwards the production of brute feed.
2. It is a source of nutrient for the community.
3. It is used inwards the production of sweeteners.
4. It is used inwards the production of starch as well as ethanol.
5. It is used inwards the production of crude oil (corn oil).
6. There’s an abundance of maize seed locally.
7. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 source of employment.
8. It grows fast (usually ninety to 120 days).
9. One seed of maize tin flame hit 500 kernels at harvest.
10. They tin flame grow inwards a vast set out of soils as well as live many climatic conditions.
11. Contains poly peptide as well as is rich inwards vitamins A, B, C, as well as E
12. It is easier to maintain, cultivate, as well as is less fragile than rice.
13. The utilisation of hybrid maize as well as a mechanized farming procedure tin flame yield upward to 10 tonnes per hectare, but regular maize seed with the traditional farming procedure tin flame yield upward to 2 tonnes per hectare.
Business Opportunities In Maize Farming Around The World
1). Production Of Animal Feed:
Maize products are widely used inwards the production of livestock feed, although wheat tin flame likewise live used. This is the argue America is the largest producer of maize products, accounting for 32% of the full maize crops produced worldwide inwards 2010 alone, followed past times China.
You tin flame enterprise into this agribusiness only to focus on maize tillage for the production of high character brute feed, which tin flame as well as then live sold to livestock farmers.
See Also: How to Start The Lucrative Production And Sales Of Livestock Feed In Africa
2). Source Of Food:
In many parts of Africa, a lot of people swallow the maize crop. In instance you’re wondering, maize is likewise known equally corn, as well as millions of Africans swallow it yearly, later it has ripened as well as is either roasted or boiled.
For example, basis maize is commonly prepared equally porridge inwards S as well as eastward Africa, spell inwards West Africa, maize flour tin flame live used to gear upward either pap or porridge. It is likewise used inwards the production of popcorn.
By tapping into a marketplace of over 100 meg people, you lot tin flame grow maize crops for local consumption. The maize crops could either live distributed locally or exported to neighbouring countries, but depending on your capacity, you lot tin flame maximize the returns on your investment.
3). Industrial Use:
Beyond human as well as brute food, maize tin flame live used inwards the production of starch, ethanol, sweeteners, as well as crude oil (corn oil). They’re commonly purchased inwards large quantities past times breweries as well as nutrient producers, to live used inwards their production process. Some organizations that buy millions of dollars worth of maize products yearly are Kellogs, Nestle, as well as producers of beer.
Setting Up Your Maize Farming Business
1). Get Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Suitable Spacious Farmland:
The outset pace to setting upward your maize farm is to select the correct farmland. Several factors to consider inwards choosing this include:
The type of soil: Maize crops hit good inwards sandy or loamy soil.
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 apartment landscape
Non-waterlogged lands
Great access to sunlight: Ensure trees as well as vegetations hit no overshadow the maize plants.
After choosing based on these factors, you lot should hire labourers to clear as well as gear upward the farmland for cultivation. They’d weed the soil as well as till it, thus it tin flame live unloosen plenty to save the transcend soil as well as seedbeds.
After preparing the soil, the maize seeds (preferably high yield hybrid maize seeds) should live planted on time, thus the weeds don’t outgrow the maize crops.
2). Pick The Maize Variety:
Choosing the correct maize seed multifariousness volition decide the type of maize yield your farmland volition generate. There are unlike varieties of maize seeds that tin flame live planted. The best are commonly what’s accepted inwards your marketplace as well as whether it’s hybrid (high yield) or not.
Some things to await out for when choosing a maize seed multifariousness is how fast they grow, how resistant they are to pests as well as diseases, whether they’re high yield seeds or not, as well as how good they tin flame live a drought based on their consumption of H2O or not.
The maize seeds are of 2 types:
Late flavor seeds: These are best for areas where the rainy seasons are long. They tin flame likewise mature betwixt 110 to 120 days.
Early flavor seeds: They tin flame live planted later the belatedly flavor seeds as well as tin flame mature betwixt ninety to 100 days.
Extra-early flavor seeds: These are suitable for areas with a short-term rainfall. They tin flame mature betwixt lxxx to ninety days.
3). Prepare The Farmland By Applying Fertilizer:
The fertility of the soil volition decide the remove for fertilizers or not. There are unlike types of fertilizers you lot could purchase, but irrespective of how fertile the soil is, if you lot desire higher yields, you lot tin flame apply fertilizer to the farmland.
4). Plant Only When The Time Is Right:
The best fourth dimension to establish your maize seeds is to hit it correct later the rainy flavor has started (about 2 or 3 times later the outset rain). Planting during this stream volition assistance improve increase as well as maturity for your maize crop, because some maize plants remove a lot of H2O during their increase process, equally some swallow equally much 450 to 600 mm of water.
5). Mitigate Against Weed, Pests, And Diseases:
It is of import to protect your maize crops from weed, pests, as well as diseases similar regular army worms, downy mildew, strigas, grasshoppers, as well as several others.
You tin flame mitigate against these past times using pesticides, herbicides, as well as unlike affliction command methods.
6). Harvesting Your Maize Crops:
The type of maize seed variety, access to sunlight, rainfall, mitigations against weeds, pests, as well as diseases, alongside others, are high determinants of the amount of maize crops that tin flame live harvested.
Depending on the farming procedure used as well as type of maize seeds (hybrid seeds or not) planted, you lot may live able to either generate nigh 10 tonnes of maize yield per hectare or nigh 2 tonnes of maize yield per hectare.
See Also: How To Access And Get Agric Loans In Nigeria
Challenges Of Maize Farming
Some of the challenges of maize farming inwards Nigeria as well as many parts of Africa include:
1). Lack of experience
2). Financial Constraints:
High involvement rates.
Inaccessible credit due to tough conditions.
3). Storage Constraints:
Poor storage methods.
Lack of post-harvesting preservation skills.
Weevil damage.
Rodents damage.
4). Farm Inputs Constraints:
High prices of farm inputs.
Choice of multifariousness to use.
5). Infrastructural Constraints:
Inaccessible roads.
Poor marketplace facilities.
6). Marketing Constraints:
Price fluctuation.
Lack of ready market.
Presence of middlemen.
Imported maize.
Like several other agribusinesses that receive got neat potentials for both scale as well as profitability, starting a maize farming concern inwards Nigeria or across Africa is a neat agribusiness to start upward if executed at the correct scale with high yield hybrid maize seeds. This volition ensure you lot hit a substantial book that tin flame live sold profitably, both locally as well as for exports.

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